Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Beginning

New beginning?..hurm..let see..this project only has 50 days to deliver, at least 4 modules up.. confidence? dunno la..right now what i need to do is to give my 110% to commit. Hopefully I can deliver it. Insyallah. Aaaaa takutnye :-ss

We, (SMEs) moving to next room since En. R said he want us (SME & Tech) working together as one team. Not seperated. It's ok with me to share room but I don't like my place here because I membelakangkan orang. It means that people can see my screen and I can get caught if I'm doing other stuffs. grrr..cannot tumbuh tanduk la like terbatas..hehe..

*SMEs n practical student **Technologies*

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