Supposed today I went to Ipoh to attend my friend wedding..since I don't have friend to accompany me to go there, so I just stayed at home and become a good housewife..hehehe
Guess what today I cooked for lunch..alone..I repeated..ALONE!!..haha..no helped from anyone..menu for today are ayam goreng..black pepper beef and sayur goreng..alhamdulillah ..everything OK..kitchen not in the mess and the taste were good (according to Yanti..Siti & Sya)..fuhh..lega..puas hati sebab makanan suma habis..x sesia bersilat kat dapur sesorg..=D..Insyallah next time I'll cook again..mcm best plak masak..tetiba cam teringin nk baking..tp oven xde..haha..(alasan!~!)
Did he really meant what he said or he just said it without noticed the meaning of that word..or that word is just another word to him?...or is it just me who overthink..overanalyze everything?..well, when I think about it again and again I feel like that word is just a word...
Joongbo banner credit to sharry @ soompi
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